Sunday, May 3, 2009

Great Words

I have a tournament coming up this Saturday. It's only a one-day event. I haven't had time to do any studying recently, but I'm looking forward to it.

Most Scrabble players don't pay any attention to a word's definition. It' s superfluous information. All that matters is whether it is a valid play or not. I'm not really an exception to this, but every now and again I'll look up a definition. Usually it's something boring -- a chemical or a monetary unit of a small nation. But sometimes it's a gem. Here are 5 great words with definitions taken from the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary.

1. Iotacism -- excessive use of the letter iota
The only time I think I've every used the letter iota is as a symbol to represent an isomorphism in writing mathematics. I used it sparingly though. I have my problems, but iotacism is not one of them.

2. Reremind -- to cause to remember (again)
"Rerepeat" and "rereview" are also valid, "rereremind", however, is no good.

3. Vasty -- vast
Makes sense.

4. Thirlage -- an obligation requiring feudal tenants to grind grain at a certain mill
Pretty obscure, but you'd be surprised how frequently you find the need to use it once you know it.

5. Outcavil -- to surpass in caviling
"Man, that guy sure does carp a lot."
"Puh-lease, I've got a friend who can outcavil him easily."

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