Sunday, March 5, 2023

Meta Me

My first ever published meta crossword ran this week as a Fireball contest puzzle. I think it went well. The puzzle was, I suspect (and I heard from a few solvers), on the easier side for a Fireball meta, but that's okay. Not every puzzle should to be geared toward the stud solvers -- it's good to mix it up a bit.

I originally made this puzzle as a 15 x 16 non-meta with the revealer MEET CUTE in the center of the grid, and both costars were clued as costars, but the fill was pretty rough and the CUTE wasn't spelled out in order. I knew I needed a bigger grid, and after playing with some options I settled on 17 x 17 with the revealer moved to the title. But then I kinda randomly noticed that at least one costar from each pair has a name that is also a non-proper English word.* So, I decided to make the meta puzzle that I made.

*PULLMAN and BULLOCK are the only pair in which both names have this property.  

I actually made the entire puzzle before I pitched the idea to Peter at Fireball. I usually do that because I have a (completely irrational) fear that after pitching an idea and getting the green-light, I won't be able to make the actual puzzle for some reason. So, usually I have at least the grid done before I submit a proposal. It takes a little more time, but it's peace of mind. And it's fun to construct! That's why I do it. It's certainly not for the money. (Although, don't get me wrong, getting the occasional three-digit check in the mail is a very nice perk.)

I'm glad to see the reviewer of my puzzle at Crossword Fiend (Conrad) used the center line MOVIE GENRE TROPE as part of his solve. This was a late addition to the grid after GENRE came up naturally as a potential central entry. I figured some solvers would miss it, which is fine (you don't really need it), but I thought it was a good touch, so I glad it see it help at least one person.

Okay, that's all I have to say about this puzzle.

Until next time...


AndyHat said...

I enjoyed this one. I hadn't gotten the meta in the last couple Fireball contests, so I was pleased that I was able to figure one out for a change :)

DJG said...

Glad you liked it, AndyHat!

CrosswordFan said...

Sorry that this is not about the blog post, but if you're still offering your word lists, I would really appreciate if you could give me access to "All" and "Monday". (I couldn't find your Twitter account, but my email address is