Sunday, June 28, 2020



My Genius list:

Real pangram: LIGHTBULB

Fake pangram: BULLTHIGH

A folksy term to for something sinewy and strong.  Cuz' of all the dirt roads 'round here, our truck tires need to be tough as bullthigh. 

Difficulty: Medium

It could be easy; I'm not sure.  I tried something new, and wrote down the letters on paper, as I'm trying to cut back on my phone time (which has gotten way out of hand).  But I read the rules wrong and thought it was 1-pt for every additional letter over four, not 1-pt for every total letter for words over four letters.  So, initially, I was drastically undercounting my actual score.  Once I figured out what was going on, I was already well past the Genius score.

Olio: My brain kept wanting GULLIBILITY, but, of course, there is no Y in the grid.  Maybe we will see it in the future -- this grid with a Y in place of the H.  You would lose the -IGHT words, though, so I'm not sure if there would be enough there to replace them to make it interesting.

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