Wednesday, July 1, 2020

NY Spelling Bee: LARKDAMN


My Genius list:

Real pangram: LANDMARK

Fake pangram: LARKDAMN

Any of several plants having heads with ray flowers, so named because they often act as an allergen for Old World songbirds.

Difficulty: Medium

I did most of this on paper again (trying to not stare at a screen so much when my kids are around), so my timing was off a bit, but I think this was mostly medium.  I got halfway to Genius level very quickly on the the strength of the pangram and a bunch of four-letterers.  After a brief breather, I then powered home hitting a bunch of cool longer words (ARMADA, MADMAN, RAMADA).  This one was fun.

Olio: MAMA but no DADA?

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