Tuesday, June 23, 2020

NYT Spelling Bee: CRIBWORK


My Genius list:

Real pangram: BRICKWORK

Fake pangram: CRIBWORK

The area of parenting focused on sleep training an infant.  Because of their stellar cribwork the new parents were able to sleep peacefully within a few months of birth.

Difficulty: Easy

Saw BOOK and WORK immediately as possible parts of a compound pangram (which also gave me both WORKBOOK and BOOKWORK straight out of the gate), so it was just a (short) matter of time before BRICKWORK fell into place.  The -ROCK/-RICK/-ROOK endings proved to be fruitful in quickly attaining Genius level.

Olio: There aren't too many words I find in Spelling Bee that the layperson would not recognize, but I suspect BRIO is one.  I know it from crossword puzzles, but I don't think I've ever heard anybody use it in everyday discourse.  Maybe I'll start.

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