Friday, June 19, 2020

NYT Spelling Bee: BULLYPIC

I decided to start blogging daily about the New York Times Spelling Bee game -- just for fun.  The entries will be very short.  We will see how long this lasts.  Here's the first one.


My genius list:

Real pangram: PUBLICLY

Fake pangram: BULLYPIC

A movie in which bullying plays a prominent role; a few bullypics which come to mind immediately are The Karate Kid and Mean Girls.

Difficulty: Easy

Not more than a week ago I tried to spell PUBLICLY PUBLICALLY and got the squiggly red line, so I was primed for this one.  I got the pangram instantly and hit genius level within a few minutes.  I even kept playing and added a few more, which I normally don't do.

Olio: CLUBBY?  If you say so.  My mind kept wanting to enter BULLY PULPIT even though there is no T and it's two words.

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