Saturday, June 27, 2020

NYT Spelling Bee: OUTMUNCH


My Genius list:

Real pangram: COTTONMOUTH

Fake pangram: OUTMUNCH

To surpass in munching.

This fake definition reminds me once, in Bangalore, India, I saw a little restaurant called MUNCH BOX.  The women with me were like, Yes, please!

Difficulty: Challenging

I got COTTONMOUTH in the middle of my solve, which is strange.  Usually, I get the pangram right away, because I'm looking for it, of if I don't, I usually don't get it until the end, because I set it aside mentally and try to fill in everything else first.  In general, this one took me longer than usual.  I finally tipped over to Genius level once I started looking for OUT and UN words.  The last one to go in was UNCOUTH.  Weirdly, I got the much less common COUTH very early on.

Olio: I always want COUNTOUT to be valid.  It's a pro wrestling term.  I also always try to put in HONCH even though I know it's spelled HAUNCH.  I see now I missed HOOCH, which is a shame I love old-timey terms like that.

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